How to Display May Dolls

Sekku of Tango displays are meant to celebrate and protect baby boys. In general, armor is put on display for the first-born son on his first sekku and helmets are usually put on display for sons born second, third, and so on. These displays are considered lucky charms for the children, so it is a good idea to set up one for each son.

Uchikazari & Sotokazari Displays such as armor and helmets that are kept indoors are called “uchikazari” and displays like Koinobori, Shoki Flags, and Mushanobori that go outdoors are called “sotokazari”. It is also a good idea to decorate with sotokazari according to each child.

 In general, it is considered good for displays to face south or east, but Sekku of Tango displays are themselves symbols that ward off misfortune and protect babies, so please consider where to display it based on factors such as available space and the sizes of the armor and helmet.

*When facing the display, the bow is on the left and the sword is on the right.
*Lanterns vary by region.

*When facing the display, the bow is on the left and the sword is on the right.

*When facing the display, the bow is on the left and the sword is on the right.
*Lanterns vary by region.